Patents granted and provisional patent activities

Publication Date: 16 January 2020
Our patent portfolio has been strengthened in recent weeks with our “Magnet for Head and Extremity Imaging” patent application being granted in China and Japan. The invention relates to compact, shielded asymmetric superconducting magnets for producing homogeneous magnetic fields (Bo fields) for use in specialist magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications.
With other geographic regions still considering our “Magnet for Head and Extremity Imaging” patent applications for this patent family, it is very encouraging that China and Japan, being two important markets for the medical device industry, have confirmed the novelty and inventorship in our submissions through the granting of the patents.
Our ongoing research and development activities continue to produced new and novel inventions. When assessed as strategically important, we lodge them as provisional patent submissions. Two provisional patents were submitted to IP Australia (an agency of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science) in late 2018 / early 2019. The patents, entitled ‘Gradient Coil System’ and ‘Magnets and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems’ entered the international phase of their assessment journey in late 2019.
For further enquiries regarding our products, or potential applications utilising our novel IP, please contact us here.