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Compact MRI Systems

Introducing our
3T MR system
for dedicated
MSK extremity

Prototype Magnetica 3T compact MRI system for dedicated MSK extremity imaging.

A MR system that has been designed and optimised specifically
for MSK extremity imaging applications

Key features:

3T (Tesla) magnetic field strength

Dry magnet (no liquid helium required)

Strong gradients (70 mT/m field strength)

Multi-channel accessory RF coils

RF coils optimised for the respective joint(s)

3T extremity MRI system - knee

Improved patient experience:

No claustrophobia concerns

Quieter operation during scans

Distance arm or leg to be placed into bore minimised

Improved patient comfort during scanning

Sitting and reclining options on chair

We are enabling a world where high-field compact MRI systems unlock opportunities for enhanced clinical diagnostic imaging
services close to the patient point-of-care.

Many more potential installation locations:

No need to be located near building exterior

Locate on higher floors of buildings

Minimised imaging suite footprint

Reduced infrastructure installation modifications

Use existing corridors, lifts & doorways for installation

Magnetica 3T Extremity MSK MRI System

Our compact MRI magnet (including cold head) weighs

less than 450 kg (990 lbs) compared with a whole-body

MRI system where the mass can exceed 5,000 kg (11,000 lbs).

We are nearing completion of our commercialisation activities!

Please note: Product is a prototype only – not yet available for sale as a regulatory approved medical device

(….. but we are working to change that asap)

Patented asymmetric magnet technology in use

When compact magnets utilise Magnetica's patented asymmetric technology, the body part to be scanned does not need to be positioned as far
inside the MRI system.

Our system may be compact,but big things come in small packages!

A 3T MR system's magnetic field is around 60,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. 3T systems deliver increased image resolution capabilities; crucial for high-quality MR imaging.

Compact Superconducting Magnets:

a key enabling technology

Our high / very high field compact superconducting magnets are smaller, lighter, and help to deliver more economical and smaller MRI systems, whilst maintaining the gold standard of imaging quality expected by clinicians. MRI systems using our technology are capable of being installed and operated in a range of new locations previously inaccessible to whole-body MRI systems, opening up a range of opportunities for the operator.


Our compact superconducting magnets are designed using our asymmetric magnet IP. Shifting the imaging zone towards the patient chair/bed improves patient comfort by reducing how far the limb or head being imaged needs to be moved into the MRI system.

FREE DOWNLOAD Information kit Access comprehensive product information, and site preparation resources for our 3T MSK extremity MRI system.  

Would you like to learn more about our MRI systems?

Contact Magnetica