Volume, surface and multichannel phased array coils tailored to specific applications
Transceive or receive-only operation modes, configured to existing coil control units
Single, double or broadband tuning
Integrated low noise amplifiers
Volume coils equipped with active detuning for neurological/head or musculoskeletal/extremity imaging
Coils for small animal imaging, optimised to customer specific applications
Double tuned coils for combined MRI/MRS
RF coils in compliance with ISO 13485.
Double tuned coils for combined MRI/MRS
Multichannel proton imaging coils with integrated low noise amplifiers and,
Multichannel proton imaging coils with integrated low noise amplifiers and,
Magnetica’s 8 channel receive head RF coil has been optimised for use in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and/or functional MRI (fMRI) studies. Operating at 3T, the RF coil includes integrated pre-amplifiers and active detuning.
The coil features a large diameter, clear bore to allow for optimal access to the patient’s head and precise positioning of the TMS coil. The head RF coil has a split design for easy patient access, has been designed to maximise comfort and includes a mirror for TMS-fMRI applications.
The RF Coil is certified as a Medical Device, compliant with CE according to Council Directive 93/42/EEC.