Magnetica and AMGC team up on project to optimise manufacturing methods
Magnetica and the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) team up on project to optimise manufacturing methods:
– Co-funding of AU$539,650 invested in new technology to help automate manufacturing processes; and
– Delivers new opportunity to scale local jobs into higher-value-added careers.
Magnetica prides itself on delivering a high-value market offering to customers at a competitive price. As such, maintaining cost-effective manufacturing capabilities is imperative. In scaling up to produce Gradient and Radio Frequency (RF) coils in higher volumes, we are constantly looking to develop and deploy technologies and systems to enhance the digital intensity of our activities.
Two examples where technology can deliver value are in the areas of RF coil testing and Gradient coil manufacturing. Both are labour-intensive activities and developing new ways to automate key aspects of the manufacturing and testing processes, will free up personnel to undertake other value-added activities.
The Optimisation of MRI Coil Set Manufacture to Achieve Scale in a Contracted Global Value Chain. This project to undertake the capability development activities is enabled through funding of AU$539,650 being 50:50 matched funding between AMGC and Magnetica.
Maintaining our production capabilities on-shore within Australia has been made more viable as a result of the support from AMGC. Without the deployment of technological advancements to keep costs down, we would likely need to move off-shore in the long-term.
AMGC is an industry-led, not-for-profit organisation which supports the development of a world-leading advanced manufacturing sector in Australia. The Centre is a key plank of the Australian Government’s Industry Growth Centres Initiative and is part of a $248 million initiative to establish Growth Centres across six sectors.
Read more about the project “Optimisation of MRI Coil Set Manufacture to Achieve Scale in a Contracted Global Value Chain” on AMGC’s website.