Manufacturing capability upgrade enabled by Australian Government Grant

Publication Date: 18 August 2020
Magnetica’s ongoing growth plans have been accelerated as a result of an upgrade of our in-house CNC machining and materials handling capabilities which is now underway. The production of our OEM and custom gradient coils and RF coils, critical subcomponents in MRI systems, will be notably enhanced. The procurement will also deliver increased capability for prototyping, production of tooling and test components, and will promote the reshoring of key components that are currently machined overseas.
Magnetica has been awarded grant funding of AU$100,000 from the Australian Government’s Manufacturing Modernisation Fund (MMF). The successful applicants were announced by the Hon Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology in late April 2020. 200 successful projects were announced by Minister Andrews under the MMF, with the aim of strengthening manufacturing and creating jobs by supporting upgrades to manufacturing processes and growing a highly-skilled workforce.
The funding for Magnetica will be utilised to help upgrade and acquire manufacturing and ancillary equipment, upgrade CAM software, improve the production facilities to increase efficiency and material flow, and to upskill design and manufacturing staff through internal and external training.
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