Stakeholder feedback affirms pre-commercial MSK MRI System performance
Publication Date: 17 December 2019

During 2019, Magnetica undertook a series of user experience activities to generate feedback from stakeholder groups and to confirm the efficiency of the workflow for the pre-commercial demonstration 3T MSK/Extremity MRI system. The primary goal was to gather both positive and negative feedback on the dedicated, compact MSK MRI system, developed in conjunction with our industry partner, in an environment that simulated a clinical setting.
Radiologist, Radiographer and Orthopaedic surgeon feedback included:
• “in its current configuration, the dedicated MSK system already performs some standard imaging tasks more effectively than current market offerings”;
• “in all images obtained, the spatial resolution and contrast resolution obtained on the MSK unit are at least equal to and in many sequences superior to those obtained on the ”;
• “very promising as an adjunct 3T Extremity system sitting alongside our whole body systems”; and
• “overall, I was very impressed with the machine both from the patient experience and from a clinical perspective.”
User comments included:
• “much, much better than a whole-body MRI system”;
• “I could have fallen asleep”; and
• “100% better than a whole-body system”.

Feedback was sought from the specialists and users who were imaged, in relation to a range of matters, including:
• system comfort and aesthetics;
• workflow i.e. how a person to be scanned is moved through the entire process;
• ability to image different demographics (age, size, mobility etc);
• ease of use of the system interface and functionality; and
• general impressions of the quality of the resulting images.
Whilst not conducted as a formal clinical trial, it was extremely pleasing to receive positive feedback from all user groups across all of the areas of interest. Based on the feedback received across the range of stakeholders, we continue to further refine and optimise the MSK MRI System as we progress our product commercialisation activities.
For further enquiries regarding to this product, or other requirements for custom products for alternate applications, please contact us here.