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Helium – Why this non-renewable resource matters

Helium – Why this non-renewable resource matters

Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

Quick summary: This article explores the critical issue of helium scarcity and its impact on medical imaging. Helium is a non-renewable resource essential for cooling the superconducting magnets in magnetic resonance imaging systems. However, limited production, growing demand, and inefficient usage drive up costs and environmental concerns. We look at alternative solutions such as recondensing systems and dry magnet technology, emphasising the need for sustainable innovations in healthcare.

World Environment Day 2024: We are Generation Restoration

World Environment Day 2024: We are Generation Restoration. AI-generated conceptual image of a mother and child planting a seedling in a world impacted by deforestation.

Welcome to the second part of our series on sustainability in medical imaging. The first article centred around Earth Day 2024 and its focus on “Planet vs Plastics”.

The timing of this piece could not be better as we now reflect on World Environment Day on 5th June 2024; every day, it is becoming more crucial to consider the environmental impact and sustainability of healthcare technologies.

The theme for 2024’s World Environment Day is “We are Generation Restoration”. Although it aims to spotlight land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, the theme is also relevant to other non-renewable resources, such as helium. The organisers have made this abundantly clear with their slogan: “We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land.”

The environmental impact of helium extraction, purification and usage is considerable. The extraction process involves large-scale geological operations because the only commercially viable helium on earth is in underground natural gas sources. These processes disturb natural habitats and contribute to desertification.

Additionally, the transition from coal-powered energy generation to natural gas has led to increased usage of this resource alongside the expansion of renewable energy generation. Thus, reducing helium consumption and conserving helium resources will undoubtedly contribute to our efforts to “make peace with the land”.

This article will delve into the issues of helium supply, a significant medical imaging issue, and explore sustainable solutions to mitigate its impact.

What is helium? The element you didn’t know you needed

What is Helium? Blog Banner – AI-generated conceptual image of pink and blue atoms.

Helium, the second most abundant element in the universe, is primarily found on Earth in underground natural gas deposits. As a noble gas, helium possesses a set of unique chemical and physical properties, including:

  • low density (i.e. it is lighter than air)
  • low boiling point
  • non-reactive to other elements.

Perhaps more well-known for its association with party balloons, helium plays a much more critical role in modern technology than is generally realised. Its unique attributes make helium invaluable in many industries, particularly scientific research and healthcare.

Helium is instrumental in many everyday applications and products we rely on, such as the gas mixture used in scuba tanks, arc welding and computer hard drives. Helium is necessary for enabling rocket fuel flow and is vital for manufacturing semiconductors. It is also used to cool superconducting magnets used in particle accelerators. Helium cools the superconducting magnets used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) systems, enabling biochemists to determine the structure of complex molecules.

Although the biggest consumer of helium globally is NASA, consuming approximately 20 million cubic meters of helium for rocket propulsion annually (Ijaz, 2023)1, the medical industry plays a significant role. The element is so critical in medical imaging that medical research and magnetic resonance imaging account for approximately 30 per cent of global helium consumption annually (Ólafsdóttir & Sverdrup, 2020)2.

Helium is a non-renewable resource formed through the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium over billions of years in the Earth’s crust. Troublingly, once released into the atmosphere, helium molecules are so light that they escape Earth’s gravity and are lost into space forever.

Despite occurring naturally, helium gas is only accessible via extraction from underground natural gas deposits. For it to be feasible to extract, there must be at least 0.3 per cent of helium (by volume) in the natural gas reserves being mined, so there are limited usable sources on the planet (Opfer & Bos, 2023)3. Once extracted, it must be transitioned from gas to liquid for transportation and many applications.

Why helium is crucial in medical imaging

Why Helium is crucial in medical imaging Blog Banner – AI-generated conceptual image of pink and blue spheres that look like bubbles or atoms.

MRI relies on magnetic fields to produce detailed images of the body’s internal structures suitable for clinical diagnosis. All high-field MRI systems utilise superconducting magnets to generate the magnetic field strength required to produce the gold-standard image quality required for many clinical diagnostic applications. As mentioned, helium primarily cools the superconducting magnets within these high-field MRI systems.

The magnets must maintain a superconducting state to produce the strong and stable magnetic field essential for diagnostic imaging. Without adequate cooling, the magnets would lose their superconducting properties, and the scanner would cease to operate.

Helium is unique because it has a very low boiling point (4.2 kelvin at atmospheric pressure), meaning it doesn’t become solid (freeze) at low temperatures. It makes liquid helium an ideal cooling source for superconducting magnets, which must typically be maintained at these very low temperatures to remain in the superconducting state.

However, several issues impact the use of helium in technology today. In short, these are:

  • Increasing scarcity
  • The environmental impact of production
  • Rising costs

Helium is a non-renewable resource and becoming increasingly scarce

Helium is a finite resource and becoming increasingly scarce blog banner—AI-generated conceptual image of an hourglass surrounded by gas vapour with a pink and blue background.

Despite its abundance in the universe, helium is a finite element becoming increasingly scarce on Earth. Its limited supply and the growing demand driven by new technologies and medical advances are contributing factors (Provornaya, Filimonova, Eder, Nemov, & Zemnukhova, 2022)4. The extraction and purification process is costly and complex, further complicating matters.

Additionally, with most of the Earth’s helium reserves located in the underground natural gas fields of the United States, Qatar, Algeria and Russia (U.S. Geological Survey, 2024)5, production and distribution can be vulnerable to volatility in the global political climate. In the past, strategic reserves stored by governments have been used to mitigate price fluctuations and guarantee availability for strategic users.

Over the past five years, the volume of helium extraction has remained steady, yet its consumption has dramatically increased (U.S. Geological Survey, 2024). Researchers have predicted that with the current rate of helium depletion, the world could face severe shortages as early as 2043 (Puiu, 2013)6 and possibly run out entirely by 2090 without intervention (Ólafsdóttir & Sverdrup, 2020). Although researchers seem to disagree with the varying projected rates of depletion, it is clear that helium is becoming scarcer over time (Provornaya, Filimonova, Eder, Nemov, & Zemnukhova, 2022).

Encouragingly, substitutes for helium in some applications do exist. Alternative cooling methods for superconducting magnets are also available. More on this later.

Depleting helium reserves worsened by wastage

Depleting helium reserves worsened by wastage – AI-generated conceptual image of earth surrounded by flames and vapour showing helium being lost from the atmosphere. Pinks and blues.

Helium wastage is another concern affecting the resource’s depleting reserves. Inefficiencies in producing and distributing helium gas contribute to the loss of significant volumes. These losses, including evaporation during storage and transportation, further exacerbate helium scarcity and drive up prices.

Another practice, gas flaring also results in the loss of significant volumes of natural gas containing potentially accessible helium (World Bank, 2024)7.

The environmental impact of helium production

The environmental impact of helium production banner with AI-generated conceptual image of an oil rig releasing greenhouse gases and pollution into the atmosphere. Pinks and blues.

Even if we ignore fears about helium scarcity, we must not overlook the significant environmental issues that helium production contributes to. Although the environmental impacts of gas and oil mining occur irrespective of helium extraction, the additional processing involved in extracting and purifying helium is energy-intensive.

This extraction process, called “fractional distillation”, separates the helium from hydrocarbons and nitrogenous compounds in natural gas to produce crude helium (Serra Leal, Incer-Valverde, & Morosuk, 2023)8. Following this, further refinements and purification are needed to create “Grade-A” helium and convert it to the liquid required by most medical and commercial applications (Grynia & Griffin, 2016)9.

The additional energy required for these extraction and purification processes is a problematic contributor to environmental concerns, in addition to the greenhouse gases already produced during the drilling of natural gas (Serra Leal, Incer-Valverde, & Morosuk, 2023).

Furthermore, as helium becomes more challenging to access, the incentive to carry out more aggressive extraction operations increases, further exacerbating the environmental damage.

Rising cost of helium

The rising cost of helium banner with AI-generated conceptual image of red helium balloons with dollar signs rising into the air in front of a hospital.

True to the well-known laws of supply and demand, it makes sense that the growing scarcity of helium also contributes to its rising cost. Although there may be relief in the coming years, with Qatar and Russia planning to bring new helium plants online, the current trend is that helium costs will continue to skyrocket. The recent sale of the U.S. government helium stockpile has also added pressure to its vulnerable prices.

Presently, the purchase price of helium is the most expensive the world has ever seen, doubling in price from USD$7.57 per cubic meter in 2019 to USD$14 in 2023 (U.S. Geological Survey, 2024). As a result, many research facilities (such as those that use it for NMR spectroscopy) record it as their most significant expense (Nordrum, 2024)10.

An average whole-body MRI system contains 1500-2000 litres of liquid helium and loses 3 to 4 per cent monthly in boil-off (Lopez, 2024)11. In systems with larger magnets that produce higher magnetic fields, this increases. A small to midsize research facility or hospital can already spend an average of US$20,000 annually (Block Imaging, 2023)12 to replenish their helium supplies at current market rates, and this is on the rise.

The impact of helium scarcity and rising costs on medical imaging

The impact of helium scarcity and rising costs on medical imaging production banner with AI-generated conceptual image of balloons filled with cash rising into the sky in front of a hospital.

Across many industries, today’s technologies that rely on helium, including medical imaging and research, are at significant risk should it continue to dwindle. Moreover, given the aforementioned rising costs, the impact is such that we are already seeing researchers and hospitals rationing helium use and limiting the number of research projects.

In 2022, Harvard University laboratories suspended several research projects due to a 50 per cent reduction in helium supply (Herszenhorn, 2022)13. The outcome of this is slowed critical scientific progress and impacted careers, with some students unable to graduate pending the completion of their thesis studies.

Medical imaging and healthcare professionals have collectively expressed concerns that this may even translate to hospitals shutting down life-saving MRI systems. In a 2022 letter to the Bureau of Land Management to raise the alarm, the American Hospital Association spoke on behalf of its millions of members and affiliates. In it, they addressed the issue of access to helium reserves and its impact on their ability to provide vital medical services and care.

In a recent article, Mahadevappa Mahesh, professor of radiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Baltimore, outlined the facility’s plans to add additional MRI scanners to their facility. At the same time, voicing his concerns that the machines won’t be usable if helium runs out.

Mitigation and solutions: Helium substitutes and alternative technologies

Mitigation & solutions – helium substitutes and alternative technologies banner with AI-generated conceptual image of a bubble of gas amongst beautiful pink flowers in a natural environment with blue sky and sun.

So far, we’ve painted a fairly bleak picture of a world where helium scarcity and rising costs could slow medical advances, prevent the diagnoses of life-threatening conditions and threaten the environment. However, it isn’t all doom and gloom.

In recent years, the scientific community has embarked on a crusade to mitigate the impact of helium scarcity. There are solutions, and many of them are available right now. Some of these include:

Suitable alternatives and substitutes for helium

AI-generated conceptual image of earth floating above clouds surrounded by gaseous bubbles during a pink and blue sunset.

Helium can be substituted with other elements in certain circumstances. Scientists can use hydrogen in scenarios that require lighter-than-air applications and where flammability is not a concern. Deep-sea diving activities can safely use hydrogen, too. Another noble gas, argon, can also be used as a shield gas instead of helium for non-ferrous welding (U.S. Geological Survey, 2024); and every little bit helps.

However, helium’s unique properties mean no other substance can replace it in cryogenic applications, NMR and MRI because of the extreme cooling required for superconducting magnets. Its inert nature and low boil-off temperature can maintain temperatures as low as 4 Kelvin (-269.15°C). Most superconducting magnet systems require operating temperatures below 9 Kelvin; other cryogens, such as liquid nitrogen, cannot match this (Lopez, 2024). 

Is “helium-free” the way forward for MRI?

AI-generated conceptual image of a sign with an arrow pointing forward in a green rainforest environment.

MRI is a critical diagnostic tool for identifying life-threatening conditions such as strokes, tumours and infections, as well as traumatic musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and fractures. The minimally invasive procedure, which utilises non-ionising radiation, provides high-quality images and contrast resolution detail in tissues not visible in alternatives such as X-rays and Computed Tomography (CT) (Awan, 2022)14.

Radiologists and physicians rely upon MRI so heavily that in 2021 alone, around 680 million MRI scans were performed globally (OECD, 2024)15.  Simply put, other modalities cannot replace MRI, so reducing its impact on the environment and helium reserves is essential.

With carbon footprint top-of-mind and focusing on future-proofing medical imaging advances, we have seen many researchers and manufacturers innovating more sustainable MRI solutions. Technologies that reduce or eliminate the need for helium are on the rise. Companies are prioritising advances like closed-system whole-body MRI scanners with limited or no helium boil-off and reduced energy consumption.

Groundbreaking advancements like “dry” superconducting magnets are key. These do not require liquid helium, thereby conserving the resource and reducing the environmental footprint associated with its use.

Advanced scanners designed for dedicated purposes, including high-field extremity MSK systems and AI-enhanced portable, ultra-low magnetic field machines, are also an area of focus. 

Our third and final article in this series on sustainability in medical device manufacturing will consider the nature of superconducting magnets and weigh up the environmental effects of keeping them functioning optimally for MRI.

We will also unpack Magnetica’s approach to mitigating the ecological consequences of medical imaging. The first step is our prototype 3T compact MRI system. It employs a novel design incorporating innovative features that address environmental challenges while providing an improved experience for patients and professionals.

We invite you to learn more about how Magnetica is embracing sustainability and contributing to a greener future in healthcare.

Learn more about Magnetica’s contribution to greener healthcare CTA banner.


  1. Ijaz, S. (2023, July 2023 13). Helium Reserves By Country and Biggest Helium Manufacturers. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from Yahoo Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/helium-reserves-country-biggest-helium-031157836.html ↩︎
  2. Ólafsdóttir, A., & Sverdrup, H. (2020, May 19). Assessing the Past and Future Sustainability of Global Helium Resources, Extraction, Supply and Use, Using the Integrated Assessment Model WORLD7. Biophysical Economics and Sustainability, 5(6). doi:10.1007/s41247-020-00072-5 ↩︎
  3. Opfer, C., & Bos, S. (2023, October 18). A Helium Shortage! What If We Ran Out of Helium? Retrieved June 3, 2024, from How Stuff Works: https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/what-if/what-if-we-ran-out-helium.htm ↩︎
  4. Provornaya, I., Filimonova, I., Eder, L., Nemov, V., & Zemnukhova, E. (2022, June). Prospects for the global helium industry development. Energy Reports, 8(3), 110-115. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2022.01.087 ↩︎
  5. U.S. Geological Survey. (2024). Mineral commodity summaries 2024: U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey. doi:https://doi.org/10.3133/mcs2024 ↩︎
  6. Puiu, T. (2013, July 30). How we’re wasting all our precious helium. A call for recycling. Retrieved May 31, 2024, from ZME Science: https://www.zmescience.com/science/chemistry/wasting-helium-recycle-052543/ ↩︎
  7. World Bank. (2024). Gas Flaring Explained. Retrieved from The World Bank: https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/gasflaringreduction/gas-flaring-explained ↩︎
  8. Serra Leal, J. S., Incer-Valverde, J., & Morosuk, T. (2023). Helium: Sources, Applications, Supply, and Demand. Gases, 3(4), 181-183. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/gases3040013 ↩︎
  9. Grynia, E., & Griffin, P. J. (2016). Helium in Natural Gas – Occurrence and Production. The Journal of Natural Gas Engineering, 1(2), 163-215. doi:https://doi.org/10.7569/jnge.2016.692506 ↩︎
  10. Nordrum, A. (2024, February 25). The era of cheap helium is over—and that’s already causing problems. Retrieved June 4, 2024, from MIT Technology Review: https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/02/25/1088930/global-helium-market-semiconductors ↩︎
  11. Lopez, L. (2024). MRI Liquid Helium Wiki. Retrieved from Medical Imaging Source: https://www.medicalimagingsource.com/mri-liquid-helium ↩︎
  12. Block Imaging. (2023, April 27). How Much Will It Cost To Refill Helium In My MRI Machine? Retrieved from Block Imaging: https://www.blockimaging.com/blog/how-much-will-it-cost-to-refill-helium-in-my-mri-machine ↩︎
  13. Herszenhorn, M. J. (2022, June 24). Helium Shortage Forces Harvard Physics Labs to Shut Down Equipment, Suspend Projects. Retrieved May 30, 2024, from The Harvard Crimson: https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2022/6/24/helium-shortage-2022/ ↩︎
  14. Awan, O. (2022, November 10). Why The Global Helium Shortage May Be The World’s Next Medical Crisis. Retrieved May 29, 2024, from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/omerawan/2022/11/10/the-helium-crisis-how-it-will-affect-you-and-your-loved-ones/?sh=283fd5437ed1 ↩︎
  15. OECD. (2024). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units. doi: 10.1787/1a72e7d1-en ↩︎

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Further reading
