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ISMRM 2019 Conference and Exhibition

ISMRM 2019 Conference and Exhibition

Publication Date: 22 May 2019

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting and exhibition is one of the pre-eminent events in the #MRI industry calendar and this year was held in Montreal, Canada, from the 11th to 16th of May. The 27th annual event was well attended as usual, with 6000+ delegates, along with many exhibitors. 


Magnetica exhibiting at ISMRM for the first time

This was our first time exhibiting at such a prestigious event and a fantastic way for us to meet so many scientists, engineers, researchers and clinicians working with Magnetic Resonance (MR) in clinical, research and pre-clinical applications. We enjoyed discussing our dedicated musculoskeletal (MSK) compact MRI system, superconducting magnet, gradient coil and RF coil products; the feedback we received was extremely valuable. From the Opening Reception on the Sunday evening, through to the end of Thursday when the exhibition closed, we had many conversations and made lots of new connections across the industry.

Prize give aways

Our prize giveaway was a lot of fun! Our grand prize of a tablet PC was won by Neha Soni and has been safely delivered. The cuddly toy Koalas and Kangaroos all found new homes around the world. Our Tim Tam chocolate biscuit give aways were a definite crowd pleaser!

Winners of the Koala and Kangaroo give aways


ISMRM 2020, the 28th annual meeting and exhibition, is being held in Sydney, Australia in April next year – so in our back yard! We look forward to seeing the delegates and other exhibitors there!!